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February 21, 2021Understandably, many people prefer to go to their primary care physicians for simpler medical conditions. This includes minor body pains, the flu, or snoring troubles. Since it’s not exactly a life-threatening condition, people are unaware that snoring can be a problematic precursor to cardiovascular issues when left untreated.
Snoring occurs when your airways have obstructions that prevent you from breathing seamlessly through your nasal cavity. Although some people are natural snorers, severe cases can lead you to stop breathing momentarily. This condition is commonly known as sleep apnea and can result in greater fatigue in your body during waking hours. It is advisable to take dentist help with snoring.
Why should I seek a dentist help with snoring problems?
Dentists can do more than tell you how to get rid of toothache. Oral problems can go beyond a person’s teeth, dealing with their jaw’s alignment or snoring patterns. There are some cases where dental conditions like ankyloglossia can cause patients to sleep with their mouth open. Dentist help with snoring problems by prescribing oral treatments and appliances that can function similarly to an orthodontic retainer.
What are the causes of snoring?
Snoring’s causes are mostly physical and involve several factors, such as your weight, sobriety, or sleeping position. For example, being overweight can put pressure on your airways, making it easier to experience obstructions with your breathing. On the other hand, alcohol can make your throat irritable and cause you to lack REM sleep. These two and many more symptoms can indicate why your body is experiencing disruptions in your regular sleep cycles.
What’s the solution to snoring?
Before a dentist can prescribe a solution to your snoring problems, you must first receive a series of tests to monitor your sleeping patterns. Your dentist may require you to have a sleep study where doctors can monitor your vital signs and blood flow. The results of these data will allow them to identify the severity of your snoring issues.
One potential solution to snoring is the use of oral appliances in the form of small and non-invasive devices that patients need to wear before sleeping. It’s a recommended solution for people who are diagnosed with sleep apnea.
These individuals suffer from obstructed airways due to the tongue’s involuntary response falling back into the throat when asleep. The oral appliance advances a patient’s jaw and helps the tongue from falling ABC in the throat. Although you can purchase commercial oral appliances, these won’t be as effective in aligning your jaw and protecting your tongue’s positioning.
If oral appliances aren’t enough to treat your snoring, your dentist may recommend you to use a CPAP machine. A CPAP machine is primarily for more severe cases, apnea, that requires more robust methods in regulating your airflow while you’re asleep. It’s a full-face mask that you wear over the mouth or nose, connected to a machine. Although it’s generally uncomfortable to wear at first, you will eventually get comfortable with it over time.
Developing a tendency to snore is common but not normal and can lead to many issues. It is best to eliminate any potential risks of developing cardiovascular conditions. Unnatural sleeping behavior can have major implications in your life, whether you’re awake or not. For this reason, it’s necessary to pay attention to how you treat your body and its impact on your regular routines. Seeking out the right medical professional will give you the proper perspective on recovering from your condition.
At Southview Dentistry, treat the entire patient, not just teeth. If you are concerned about a possible airway issue, schedule an appointment with our top-notch Charlotte dentists today!